kusa ❘ 20↑ ❘ ♀ ❘ nsfw artist
mgs ❘ bbkaz ❘ military aes ❘ black cats
i don't post problematic things, make problematic art or interact with proship content on my account so if you follow me you will not see content of this nature - but i am also not interested in arguing about this content or harassing others over it.
i also really dislike otasune, sorry. you will probably never see content of them. DNF
minors ❘ racists ❘ pedos ❘ homophobes ❘ transphobes ❘ terfs ❘ swerfs ❘ zoos ❘ anti fujo/fudan/yume/yumedanshis
i will not do comms but i take requests
bara ❘ hairy ❘ large pecs ❘ mating press ❘ full nelson ❘ age gap (adult only) ❘ ntr ❘ boots ❘ violence as foreplay ❘ gunplay ❘ knifeplay


▪ i am an adult and any characters i depict are also adults
▪ i do not age up minor characters
▪ i do not post art (sfw) of minor characters on my nsfw account (or anywhere else)
▪ i do not depict incest, underage or zoo in art or posts and am not interested in doing so
▪ all characters depicted are fictional and not owned by me
▪ you can repost my art with credit if you want idc
▪ because twitter will recommend posts from users who aren't 18+ i preemptively block recurring accounts to avoid interacting with them unknowingly
▪ you are under 18 and you've followed me
▪ i suspect you are under 18 and you've followed me
▪ i've seen evidence of you being a legitimately bad person
▪ it's a mutual block
▪ i just don't like you/your tweets
if you think i've unfairly blocked you feel free to reach out a different way. but that's not a guarantee i will unblock. i also mute often.credit to dillfie / ib blogger99 / libertarian for layout


this is my kusona (it/its)lovingly inspired by Marie Maison de Meieux CAT, CAT, CAT!, toro inoue and gloomy bear.if you draw ku please show me <3